Cargo comes in all shapes, sizes and ages. Whether it be small or big, playful or boxy, choosing the right Cargo Bike is something of an art form. Front or rear? How much weight to carry? How many kids? Instead of a car/second car? All very important considerations.
We favour two-wheelers as they are so similar to regular bikes, with added strength: they are essentially stronger versions of what you’re used to. They fit into cycle lanes, weave through traffic and ease through the side gates beside many British homes as effortlessly as meandering along pathways.
Longtails feature an extended rack over the rear wheel, which suit a combination of child seats and cushions/panniers behind the rider, which adapts quickly when your cargo grows/changes. A Longtail chosen to carry two or three kids on the back can also handle large panniers, an adult passenger, towing a full sized second bicycle, large dogs and family picnics, with between 150-200kg onboard.
Longjohns place your cargo at the front, between the front wheel and handlebars, so you can see your cargo and enjoy a low centre of gravity. Longjohs are great for sharing your view with youngsters and have the capacity for carrying boxes or around 100kg, which includes random bags/items you invariably find yourself picking up along the way … with as much as 250kg onboard.
Electric Family Cargo Bikes provide the best of both worlds and are ideal for people who like to cover lots of miles in regular clothes. Commute beyond the school run, collect the shopping on the way back from a meeting, this is where they really come into their own. Kiddos tend to get heavier over time and start to bring guests and gubbins too, so carrying a few extra kilo’s is par for the course and an augmented bike is a joy.
With the ‘Cycle to Work Scheme’, you can assign your initial outlay as a salary sacrifice over a year or more. This can really help when deciding upon a budget as Family Cargo Bikes are a long term option: most families recoup their investment within a year or two.
Vello: Sub Series
Chike: e-Cargo and Cargo
Chike: e-Kids and Kids
Bicicapace: Justlong Series
Yuba: Curry Series
Yuba: Supercargo CL (Bosch Cargo Line) & Classic Series
Aitour: Family C
Bicicapace: Compact Classic Series
Yuba: El Mundo EP8 and Mundo Classic LUX Series
Aitour: Starter
Yuba: El Kombi E5 & Kombi Classic Series
Demo Bikes
Eskuta: SX-800 Series eMotorcycle
Eskuta: 250SX Series
Ortre: Cinco5
Vello Sub Accessories:
Tannus: Aither (puncture-proof, solid bike tyre)